Monday, July 12, 2010

Reece's Wedding

Reece and Caitlin's big day! May 7th 2o10 What a wonderful match. I knew the first time I met Caitlin back in October that things were bound to happen. They are so good together. Events kept happening through the year and here we are in the first week of May, attending a beautiful wedding in the Salt Lake Temple. It is such a wonderful feeling to know that here are two young people kneeling across the alter that are worthy of each other. We spent the next hour or so after the wedding taking great wedding pictures with family and friends. There was a great wedding luncheon in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building in the Wasatch Room. That evening we all attended a fantastic wedding reception at Heritage Gardens.. Time never stands still. I try to hold on to it, and the next thing I know that there is another chapter opening in my life and the life of my children. Life is good and I am at peace.


  1. Whoa! Look who is blogging! Now you need to keep this up after Krystal leaves! That is one pretty good lookin family if I do say so myself!

  2. Haha, I did help mom set this up, but she did the writing all on her own! I think if she keeps it up we can all stay in better touch, so you keep it up too, okay Reece? :)

  3. Good job Katrina! What beautiful pictures. I'm so glad you're blogging.
