Sunday, May 22, 2011

Our May Weekend

After a lot of hard work these past couple of weeks we actually got to take some time off and enjoy just a fun day in Seattle. The first big job that had to be attacked was the septic tank that had to be dug out and another drain field added. That took about a week of hard work, especially for Garth. How fun can it be to find the septic tank that is buried about five feet down. Dig, dig, all by hand. Then on to find the drain field and the decision to replace it. Thank goodness for the backhoe. We helped fill in with rocks and dirt with shovels. Hopefully it will last another 25 years. Truthfully, I don't believe it is because of bubble baths. (Hah!) But yes, it probably is the pine tree roots that are to close to the system. Then we planted a pretty good garden in the back . Just please let the tomatoes, raspberries and watermelon do well this year! That's all I need to keep me happy. Next Brooke and I planted a lot of flowers around the house and barn. It will be pretty in about a month, I think! Brooke and Garth hauled a lot of boxes out of someones storage to be able to purchase an oven for pottery. Sore shoulders and a few bruises later was the results of that adventure. Then the fun weekend. The three of us went to the Temple on Thursday then to Seattle bright and early Friday morning. Our first stop was the garment distribution store and then the mall for missionary shoes for Brooke and walking shoes for me for Italy! Next on to the zoo. We had a wonderful day, with perfect weather. It has been at least ten years since we have been to the Woodland zoo. After four hours of walking and viewing exhibits we were exhausted and it was closing time. Out into the Seattle traffic on I-5 to the Wharf for our traditional Ivar's fish and chips. Brooke asked how long we had been doing this tradition. Well, as long as I can remember! Sitting outside the restaurant eating fish and chips and listening to the noise and of the harbor and the call of the seagulls. What a fun day!

1 comment:

  1. going to the zoo was soo much fun! glad we did it =) and sooo glad dad has all of those strong muscles - i am excited to start working on pottery again and want to teach BOTH of you how to do it!
